Thursday, March 8, 2012

Moral Dilema

Zac Thompson123 Green Ave,
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 3W1

February 10, 2011

John Smith
City Hall 568 Main Steet
Small Village, B.C.

Dear Mr. Smith:

     The severity of the situation you have been put in is nothing to be taken lightly.  Mr. Grass has no doubt done some irrefutable things in the past but lets just be completely realistic and stick to the facts.

     To open,  this man is 92 years old.  To send him to prison would not only cost unnecessary tax payers dollars,  but it would not serve any purpose in his reabilitation.  On this topic, the fact that he is 92 years old and has done so much to rebuild this magnificent town we live in shows just how reabilitated he is.  This overall is the goal with offenders leaving prison,  I believe that Gunter Grass has achieved that goal. 

     Also Gunter is a huge part of our community. He has done so much to better our community and without him, I feel our community would not be better, actually quite the opposite. 

To close, he has created many jobs opportunities for our town, without him it would kill our economy. We are a small town with a fragile economy, and without him we would collapse

Thank you for considering these points Mr. Mayor and I hope to talk to you very soon.


Zac Thompson

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