Monday, February 13, 2012

George's Downfall

     Slim and George sat down at the bar.      Slim put a hand on George's shoulder and stated, "Like I said, George, sometimes a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.  
     George let out a hearty sigh, then replied as though he was forcing the words out with incredible force " I gave my arm and leg  to help that poor bastard.
     Slim clearly a little puzzled as to how make his new friend feel better tries to convince him "you just gotta get back in the saddle there George, it'll all come out in the wash."  Slim motioned at the bartender for 2 shots of whiskey.
     George sighed again, "I guess he in a better place now"
     Slim slid the shot glass infront of George with a grin and motioned to drink up.  They slid the shots back simultaneously, Slim chuckled to himself "that guy was built like a brick sh#t house hey?"  "I ain't never seen anyone whoop Curley like that before."
     George let out a grin,  "he struck the fear of god into Curley"
     Slim exclaimed "maybe Curley will think twice before he messes with such an ox like Lennie". 
     Candy entered the bar,  "what happened, boys at the farm are saying Lennie got lit up like the 4th of July for what he did to Curley's wife".
     George swiveled around on the stool with avengeance,  "you better mind your tongue old man, it was better for Lennie to take that bullet than to keep causing trouble". 
     Candy grinned, looks like it'll be just the two of us tending those rabbits, eh George?
     Slim seemed shock at the insensitive nature of the old swamper.  "Slim said what's your beef Candy?     
     Candy laughed then looked at the two men,  "or maybe Slim would tend the rabbits?"
     Slim and George looked at eachother and with a smirk they look at Candy.
     "What you trying to get at Curley" asks George.
       Just a suggestion, and with that Curley was gone. 

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