Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Grade 12 Students Show Signs Of Life.

Many grade 12 students at the school of Princess Margaret Secondary have recently been diagnosed with the disease plaguing many young people of this generation.  They call this volatile illness many things, but the most common name is the "Don't Care" syndrome.  This has been compared to such things as The Bubonic Plague, Diabetes, And Tennis Elbow and it has caused much anguish with teachers and parents alike.  Not only are students not at all worried about applying to post secondary schools, but they are not stressing at all about the only provincial exam they have in this decisive grade, The English 12 Provincial.  This same exam has made many students before, quiver in there socks and cry in their cornflakes at alarming rates, but now there is little to no reaction to this potential brain aneurysm of an exam.  Also the many little boys and girls that these grade 12's share a school with are living happier and healthier than any other junior class before them.  Now for the first time in nearly half a century the classic annoyances provided by the young ins in this school are simply being shrugged off indifferently. Things such as circle groupers, loud attention getter's, and pre-pubescent energy balls are now being given the uninterested nod to take control of the school.  It's pure chaos to say the least.  I was so interested in this topic I decided to take a visit to this school to see for my self just how much this "Don't Care Syndrome" is taking effect, I was stunned.  Not only are there young body's sprawled out on both sides of the hallway making it incredibly difficult to employ the traditional two lane system, but there are teachers who now have to deal with the cleanup of the aftermath of the disrespectful litterers.  The grade 12 students should be leading these juniors by example showing them how things are done but instead they sit in the "common area" on the many tables talking about things that have absolutely nothing to do with what teachers think they are talking about.  When I ventured over to ask one of these supposed leaders about this issue he simply exclaimed "DON'T CARRRREEEEE" and continued his conversation with his fellow kinsmen. This is quickly spiralling out of control and I feel I may be infected as well. I may not have much time before I take on this uninterested attitude.  But there still may be some hope left.

Reporting live is Zac Thompson.

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